Wretch 32’s “His and Hers (Perspectives)”

Wretch 32’s “His and Hers (Perspectives)” Credits

Client/Brand: Wretch 32

Editor: Phil Currie @ Homespun

Production: Knucklehead

DP: Arran Green

Wretch 32’s “His and Hers (Perspectives)”

Wretch 32’s “His and Hers (Perspectives)”

The video for Wretch 32’s His And Hers takes the song’s difficult subject matter – the angry verbal attack of a young man and the provoked response of his partner – and tackles it head-on. The setting for this descent into verbal war is a gritty cityscape – a car at night, and then a deserted street; the performances by Fady Elsayed Troika and Lauren Alexandra playing the couple are excellent; the ending adds a poignant visual touch that even goes beyond Wretch’s words.