We Do Not Live Here

We Do Not Live Here Credits

We Do Not Live Here

We Do Not Live Here

We Do Not Live Here is a story about a woman named Kensey who left Honduras with the Migrant Caravan in hopes of being granted asylum in America. With her three kids, she traveled over 3,000 miles alone, and on foot. Kensey’s story highlights the hardships of refugee life, while humanizing a narrative we often only hear about through political attacks and newspaper headlines. While other refugee narratives tell a predominantly male story that focuses on the labor of the physical journey, Kensey’s story focuses on the intimate and emotional details. She shared with us details about her family and her hopes for the future. In addition, we delve into the psychological aspect of what it means to have lost a home, to not have a home, and the anticipation of finding a new home. For a woman, home is a feeling – a feeling that we all know and are searching for in one way or another. We Do Not Live Here finds, elicits, and depicts that feeling through the eyes of a refugee women.

This piece captures a brief yet intimate look into one refugee story, a story that is shared by over 70.8 million people across the globe. In 2020 we will turn We Do Not Live Here into a feature length documentary. We will weave together the narratives of women living in refugee camps around the world and highlight the similarities in their stories. In addition, we will follow one woman on her journey across the boarder, out of the refugee camps, and into her new home.