Welcome to the SHOOT 2024 NDS Search
Final Deadline July 31, 2024 Midnight ET
YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO ENTER IF: You have been directing any type of advertising or entertainment professionally LESS than 3 years (nothing prior to April 2021) AND the work you submit on the entry form MUST have been completed during the sixteen month period of April 2023-July 2024.

NDS Is A “Phenomenal Opportunity” For New Directors Everywhere To Expose Their Motion Pictures Storytelling Talents
SHOOT is pleased to announce that SHOOT’s 22nd annual worldwide search to discover the best up-and-coming directors — who, based on their initial work, show promise to soon make major positive contributions to advertising and/or entertainment in its traditional and emerging forms. This global search is conducted by SHOOT’s editorial staff with input from agency and studio creatives & heads of production, as well as commercial and entertainment production company heads and established directors.
The 2024 Entry Period will end July 31, 2024 Midnight ET
Already Registered? Sign In Here
IMPORTANT NOTE: The SHOOT New Directors Showcase microsite was spun off into its own website early last year. The URL is still NDS.SHOOTONLINE.com but you must register there in order to enter SHOOT’s 22nd annual worldwide search. Once registered you’ll receive verification email, after verifying, you can log in for NDS Entry Purchase options, upload your entry(s) & work or to review/update a previous entry(s).
If you’ve already registered on the new NDS site CLICK HERE to login.
About The New Directors Showcase Screening, Editorial Coverage
& Showcase Reel
SHOOT editors will review and select the 25-30 best pieces of “work” to be featured on SHOOT’s 2024 New Directors Showcase Reel. The Reel will be screened for an audience of advertising & entertainment production decision-makers at SHOOT’s 2024 Annual New Directors Showcase Event at the DGA (Directors Guild of America) Theater in the fall 2024 (Date TBA), in NYC. The Screening immediately follows the afternoon SHOOT Directors/Producers Forum panel/panels. The Showcase Directors are invited to attend and all who do will be asked to stand up from the audience while their name is announced. Five of the directors will be invited to appear on the panel discussion after the screening. All the directors chosen for the reel will have their own Profile Page on the SHOOT NDS website and we’ll send out a special NDS Email Blast directing the industry to the NDS Profiles. We’ll also have excerpts of the profiles in a Special SHOOT Magazine Issue that will be given out at the NDS Event and posted on the NDS website. After the NDS Showcase Event, SHOOT will provide coverage and photos from the day and evening programs on SHOOTonline and in the SHOOT>e.dition, SHOOT Dailies and Brand New[s]. The SHOOT New Directors Showcase Reel & NDS Profile Pages will go LIVE on the NDS website the morning after the Event for the worldwide motion picture production community – advertising and entertainment – to view.
Each and every year since inception, sHOOT’s New Directors Showcase Delivers – New Directors receive enormous career-building exposure!
Here’s a sampling of what some past SHOOT New Directors Showcase directors have said about their New Directors Showcase experience…
“Being chosen to be a part of the SHOOT 2021 New Directors Showcase, has given me a strong chance and opportunity to be seen and heard. Especially after having worked this great event for several years when I was a PA and then to be featured in the 2021 edition has been nothing short of a dream. I am thankful for Roberta and the whole crew at SHOOT. They care about giving new filmmakers a chance to shine and it’s an opportunity I won’t forget.” — Khalid Sena, 2021 New Directors Showcase (Note: Due to the pandemic, SHOOT did not hold the 2021 Showcase Event so sadly the selected directors missed out on the great in-person experience. SHOOT heavily promoted the Showcase to the industry to bring attention to the directors and was happy to speak to and offer advice to all who contacted us. All 2021 New Directors will be invited to join us at the 2022 event).
“Being a part of the SHOOT 2020 New Directors Showcase was a fantastic experience for me. It validated my work and put me in rooms that I wasn’t invited to a year earlier. Not only that, I really like Roberta (Editorial Director at SHOOT)! She created a warm and supportive environment for a newbie like myself and explained how to navigate the business side of the commercial space.” — Foley Ellis Ibidapo, 2020 New Directors Showcase (Note: Due to the pandemic, SHOOT had to cancel the 2020 Showcase Event so sadly the selected directors missed out on the great in-person experience. SHOOT heavily promoted the Showcase to the industry to bring attention to the directors and was happy to speak to and offer advice to all who contacted us. All 2020 New Directors will be invited to join us at the 2022 event).
“The industry keeps a keen eye on the SHOOT New Directors Showcase. Production companies know to trust its selection of directors as a litmus test of fresh and exciting new talent. It signals that you are Ones to Watch, and is a stamp of legitimacy to your work. Having the DGA as hosts, industry veterans on the panels, and high-caliber sponsors all add a level of professionalism and prestige to the showcase.” — RAY SISTERS, 2019 New Directors Showcase
“It was such a great honor to be included in the SHOOT New Directors Showcase. The exposure I received from having my commercial work screen at the Director’s Guild in New York, as well as participating in a panel discussion alongside other directors and commercial executives were invaluable. This recognition garnered me attention from commercial sales reps, production company owners and executive producers alike. What a wonderful platform to be seen as a creative!“–Tamika Miller, 2019 New Directors Showcase
“As an established agency producer, the SHOOT New Directors Showcase was an amazing opportunity to introduce myself as a director and independent filmmaker to my peers in the commercial world. Screening my deeply personal documentary at the DGA Theatre – amongst the work of a class of incredibly talented and diverse filmmakers – was a humbling experience and a true honor. The showcase also provides a wonderful forum to get to know the next generation of directorial talent. I am inspired by my new peers and look forward to tracking their accomplishments for years to come.” — Zack Grant, 2019 New Directors Showcase
“To be included in the SHOOT 2018 16th Annual New Director’s Showcase was an incredible honor and has unlocked a tremendous amount of opportunities for me. The association that comes with such a prestigious award at the beginning of your career is unparalleled. I am grateful for the recognition and look forward to seeing the next class of directors.” — Brett Warkentien, 2018 New Directors Showcase
“Being a part of SHOOT Magazine’s 2018 16th Annual New Directors Showcase was such a dream come true for me. I’ve followed the careers of past accepted directors, and I’m honored to be among such an esteemed group of talent.” — Erica Eng, 2018 New Directors Showcase
“It was such an honor to return to NYC and be included with my fellow directors at the 2018 16th Annual New Directors Showcase — I was truly blown away by my colleagues’ talents. Having been one of only a few feature film actor / directors in the mix, I was also asked to be a part of the directors’ panel and it was a thrill to contribute to that dialogue. I’m really proud to be a part of the SHOOT family and am looking forward to continuing our rewarding collaboration.” — Brad Raider, 2018 New Directors Showcase
“The SHOOT new director’s showcase offers directors a platform to be championed. It was incredible to be awarded the opportunity to stand-out amongst my talented colleagues and participate as a fresh new visionary within the industry. I’ve could have never imagined the doors that the showcase would open and am forever grateful to have SHOOT in my corner as my career continues to flourish.” — Jenn Shaw, 2017 New Directors Showcase
“The SHOOT New Directors Showcase is an essential curatorial filter in the very saturated world of aspiring directors, and a sign that you’re not a hack headed in the wrong direction. Being a part of it changed my life, and validated all my efforts. I received the email about my inclusion on my birthday, prompting me to throw caution to the wind and eat another slice of cake.” — Kiran Koshy, 2017 New Directors Showcase
“As a cinematographer for the past 20 years, I have attended the SHOOT NDS as one of my favorite industry events every year, and have had several projects I shot be featured in the showcase over the years. So to be selected and take the stage at the DGA as a New Director was a dream come true. It was great exposure that has garnered a lot of interest in me and where my career is headed, and opened the door to new relationships with several new production companies.” — Jendra Jarnagin, 2017 New Directors Showcase, Floating Camera
“The SHOOT New Directors Showcase celebrates the on-going evolution in visual storytelling, in both the short and long forms. I can’t think of any other event where a curated selection of top commercials, documentaries, and narrative movies from around the world collide on the big screen. To have one’s work selected for the DGA-staged event is a major stamp of approval. Directors are introduced to top commercial reps and agencies, among other production entities. To have been selected as a New Director for my work on “Floyd Norman: An Animated Life” was an absolute honor that also injected the documentary with early PR buzz.” — Michael Fiore, 2016 New Directors Showcase, Michael Fiore Films
“The SHOOT New Directors Showcase offers so much more than just validation of directorial talent. It was great exposure to showcase our work. The work is so inspiring, and so diverse. I loved meeting the various directors in the showcase. I can’t think of another showcase reel that can match its broad range in subject matter, style, approach and tone.” — Sonejuhi Sinha, 2016 New Directors Showcase
“SHOOT has created an amazing platform to showcase the work of some of the world’s most talented emerging directors and it was an honor to be included in SHOOT’S 2015 New Director’s Showcase. As an up and coming director, working both in commercial and features, SHOOT provided me with an extraordinary opportunity to share my work with leading industry professionals. This opportunity extended from an amazing night hosted at the DGA theater to continued press after the event. I am honored to be named one of SHOOT’s New Directors as it is a title that does not get overlooked by the industry.” — Joe Pernice, 2015 New Directors Showcase
“Having previously directed independent films, the SHOOT New Directors Showcase provided a rare opportunity to introduce my work to key players in the commercial world. SHOOT’s stamp of approval helped me to connect with production companies, agencies, and directors reps, and I’m excited to say that I’ve since been hired for several directing assignments.” — Erin Li, 2015 New Directors Showcase
“The SHOOT New Directors Showcase was a phenomenal opportunity, and has been a huge force in launching my career. It opened doors to me with some of the best production houses, agencies, and creatives in the industry, and did an amazing job of bringing all these people together under one roof. The panel speakers were amazing, giving their insight into the rapidly changing nature of the advertising and entertainment world. It’s a refreshing, inspiring look into the next wave of filmmakers that I’m honored to be a part of.” — Aaron Kodz, 2014 New Directors Showcase
“SHOOT Magazine provided me with a fabulous platform in the New Director’s Showcase to show my work. The event itself had inspiring speakers with wonderful insight on their particular expertise in the filmmaking world. It’s a terrific way to meet a significant amount of talented people all under one roof who give their time in a thoughtful manner.” — Michele Atkins, 2013 New Directors Showcase, Kaboom Productions
“The SHOOT New Directors Showcase offers so much more than just validation of directorial talent. I met some incredible industry professionals…the whole place is buzzing, the work is so inspiring, and you walk away feeling like a major milestone has been reached. What surprised me the most was the variety of directors–male, female, international, American, young, and old. The same goes for the work. I can’t think of another showcase reel that can match its broad range in cinematography, subject matter, and tone.” — Martin Rodahl, 2012 New Directors Showcase, 71 Degrees North
“Being included in the SHOOT New Director Showcase was absolutely brilliant for me, as it tempted the smart people I did not know, but desperately wanted to see my film, into watching it! As a result, I met m”any of the owners and execs of the production companies I admire.” — Elizabeth Orne, 2011 New Directors Showcase
“Being included in SHOOT Magazine’s New Directors Showcase was quite an honor! It gave me great exposure, opened a lot of doors and eventually lead me to a home with kaboom.” — Matt Fackrell, 2011 New Directors Showcase, Wondros (part of directing duo Men)
“It was quite an honor to be selected to participate in the 2010 SHOOT New Directors Showcase. I am especially humbled to join the ranks of the super creative and innovative directors with whom I share this special honor. Being selected for the showcase affirmed for me the value of my determined effort to create work that’s not just “good enough”, but better than anyone imagined. Thanks for the shot in the arm, SHOOT! — Varda Bar-kar, 2010 New Directors Showcase
“Being included in SHOOT’s New Directors Showcase is one of those great touchstones. Besides the breadth of industry exposure only SHOOT can provide, it provides a very real increase in offers for work as well as the validation that you’re doing something right. I will always count it as a big moment in my career.” — Kevin Kerwin, 2009 New Directors Showcase, Authentic Films
“There are many wonderful phone calls one can receive in life. But I have to say, few feel as good as, ‘Hello, you’ve just been included in SHOOT’s New Directors Showcase.’ Like the chicken and the egg, I’m still not sure which came first: getting to direct good scripts or getting into SHOOT’s New Directors Showcase.” — Harold Einstein, 2008 New Directors Showcase, Dummy
“As directors, we are continually inspired by the imagination of our peers. SHOOT Magazine does a fantastic job of filling our brains with the most exciting, creative ideas of the day and it’s New Director’s Showcase is no exception. We were thrilled and honored to be included in such a highly talented event. It was almost like telling our Grandmother we had won an academy award… or two.” — Jason & Matt Docter, DOCTER TWINS, 2008 New Directors Showcase,
“I have read SHOOT for many years, and being included in the 2007 New Director’s Showcase was truly an honor. SHOOT consistently has an eye out for fresh and exciting new talent, and this Showcase does not disappoint. This is one of the finest new talent presentations in our business.” — Nir Bashan, 2007 New Directors Showcase
“I was honored to be to be included with other new directors in the 2005 showcase. It’s always invigorating to see new work and exchange ideas. The showcase is an ideal opportunity for new directors, industry leaders and agency producers to come together for the first time.” — Harry Cocciolo, 2005 New Directors Showcase, Bob Industries
SHOOT’s NDS shines a bright light on emerging directorial talent
Indeed SHOOT’s New Directors Showcase has identified many leading artisans over the years, including one who went on to earn a DGA Award nomination as best commercial director of the year, and assorted others who have won industry accolades, including Gold Lions at Cannes as well as AICP Show honors. And, Showcase inclusion has helped numerous directors gain production house affiliations.
Here’s a sampling of career achievements from some past NDS Directors…
Justyna Obasi–an alum of SHOOT’s 2020 18th Annual New Directors Showcase for Ahoj Brause’s “Jugendelexier” commercial–served as part of a collective of directors behind Meta’s “Skate Nation Ghana” for Droga5 New York, which earned a nomination in 2022 for a primetime commercial Emmy Award. Obasi is repped in the ad arena by Love Song.
Charlotte Regan–who earned inclusion in SHOOT’s 2019 17th Annual New Directors Showcase for Wretch 32’s music video, “His & Hers (Perspectives)”–kicked off 2023 with her feature film “Scrapper” winning the Grand Jury Prize in the world cinema dramatic competition at the Sundance Film Festival. Regan is repped by Knucklehead for commercials and branded content.
Bing Liu earned inclusion into SHOOT’s 2018 16th Annual New Directors Showcase on the strength of his documentary “Minding the Gap,” which has gone on to win Best Feature at the IDA Documentary Awards and is currently on the shortlist (one of 15 films) for the Best Documentary Feature Oscar. “Minding the Gap” tells the story of three young men—including Liu himself—who bond with one another via skateboarding to escape volatile families in their Rust Belt hometown. However as they grow up and adult responsibilities take hold, unexpected revelations jeopardize their decade-long friendship. Liu is repped by Nonfiction Unlimited for spots and branded content.
Jenna Laurenzo, who made the cut for the 2018 16th Annual New Directors Showcase on the basis of “Lez Bomb,” has seen that film win the Jury Award for Best Feature at Geena Davis’ Bentonville Film Festival. “Lez Bomb” was also an official selection at NewFest and the Frameline and Woodstock film festivals. “Lez Bomb” features an ensemble cast which includes Oscar winner Cloris Leachman, Oscar nominee Bruce Dern, Kevin Kane, Steve Guttenberg, Kevin Pollak, Elaine Hendrix, Brandon Micheal Hall and Rob Moran.
A.V. Rockwell–an alum of the 2017 15th Annual New Directors Showcase for her short film titled “The Gospel”–earned marquee distinction at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival, taking the Grand Jury Prize in the U.S. dramatic competition for the feature “A Thousand and One” (which was released theatrically in April 2023 via Focus Features). Rockwell is repped by Somesuch for commercials and branded content in the U.K.
Floyd Russ, an alum of the 2016 14th Annual New Directors Showcase, saw his documentary “Zion” win Best Short distinction at the 2018 IDA Documentary Awards. The film introduced audiences to Zion Clark, a young wrestler who was born without legs. Growing up in foster care, Clark struggled with fitting in his whole life—until he finds the sport of wrestling, a passion which he pursues, pushing himself to great lengths. “Zion” is currently on the shortlist (one of 10 films) in the running for the Documentary Short Subject Oscar. Russ is handled by Tool of North America for commercials and branded content.
Directors Michael Fiore and Erik Sharkey, 2016 14th Annual New Directors Showcase alumni based on their “Floyd Norman: An Animated Life,” saw that documentary win the Audience Award at the Bentonville Film Festival and the Judges Choice Award for Best Documentary at the San Diego Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival. Pioneering animator and artist Norman was the first African American to be hired by Walt Disney’s legendary animation department back in 1956. He moved up the ranks at the studio and became one of only a dozen artists over the years hand-picked by Walt Disney to work alongside him in the story department.
Romina Schwedler, a 2014 12th Annual New Directors Showcase alum, scored on the 2018 festival circuit as her short film, the psychological drama “The Visit”–starring Sean Maher and June Squibb (a Best Supporting Actress Oscar nominee for “Nebraska”)–won the Millie Award for Best Director at The Milledgeville + Eatonton Film Festival. “The Visit” also won the U.S. Short Film Award Of Excellence at the Catalina Film Festival and received the Juried Short Film Competition Audience Award at the Martha’s Vineyard International Film Festival.
SHOOT’s 2012 10th Annual New Directors Showcase included the directorial trio Everynone. Two-thirds of that threesome–Will Hoffman and Julius Metoyer, aka the Hoffman/Metoyer duo of MJZ–earned a DGA Award nomination last year in the commercials category. The third member of Everynone, Daniel Mercadante, went on to team with Katina Mercadante to form The Mercadantes, a duo which earned a DGA commercials nomination in 2015. The Mercadantes are now with Park Pictures.
Eddie Alcazar–an alum of SHOOT’s 2012 10th Annual New Directors Showcase for an Everlast spec spot–saw his feature “Divinity” selected for the 2023 Sundance Film Festival as part of the Next lineup for visionary work.
2010 8th Annual New Directors Showcase alum Hiro Murai has gone on to be a five-time Emmy Award nominee–four of the nods coming for Outstanding Comedy Series in 2017 and ‘18 as exec producer on “Atlanta,” and one in 2018 and another in 2022 for Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series for “Atlanta.” The remaining nomination came in 2022 for Outstanding Directing for a Limited or Anthology Series for an episode of “Station Eleven.”
In 2010, Ross Katz won the DGA Award for outstanding achievement in movies for TV/miniseries on the strength of his HBO film “Taking Chance,” the same film which garnered him inclusion in SHOOT’s 2009 7th Annual New Directors Showcase.
Keith Schofield earned inclusion into SHOOT’s 2008 6th Annual Showcase. Four years later, his “The Bark Side” for Volkswagen out of Deutsch LA garnered a primetime commercial Emmy nomination. Schofield is with Caviar Content.
Also in that 2008 6th Annual Showcase was Keith Bearden. Two years later he saw his feature film directing debut, “Meet Monica Velour,” make its worldwide premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival. “Meet Monica Velour” was one of just 14 films chosen for Tribeca’s Encounters section, offering original movies that reflect pop culture and contemporary issues.
Another 2008 6th Annual Showcase helmer was Harold Einstein of Station who shortly thereafter saw three Crest toothpaste spots he directed for Saatchi NY earn a Gold Lion in the Campaign category at Cannes. Harold launched his own production company, Dummy.
Pete Circuitt, another 2008 6th Annual Showcase inductee, went on to direct CBS-TV’s half-hour primetime Xmas special “Yes Virginia” for Macy’s and JWT NY, which ended up winning a One Show Entertainment Awards Gold Pencil.
Earning a slot in the 2006 4th Annual New Directors Showcase was the Terri Timely duo (Corey Creasey and Ian Kibbey), now with Park Pictures. Terri Timely directed Geico’s “Unskippable: Family” pre-roll ad which in 2015 garnered The Martin Agency its first ever Cannes Grand Prix honor.
Joseph Kosinski–who made his initial industry splash with a spec commercial for Apple titled “iSpec, earning him a place in SHOOT’s 2005 3rd Annual New Directors Showcase– has gone on to score assorted honors on the spot and feature fronts, the latter including a DGA Award nomination this year for the blockbuster hit “Top Gun: Maverick,” which was nominated for six Oscars, including Best Picture. “Top Gun: Maverick” won the Oscar for Best Sound. Kosinski continues to be repped in the commercialmaking space by RESET, the production company launched by David Fincher and Dave Morrison.
The 2005 3rd Annual New Directors Showcase also included director David Gray–at the time was a noted agency creative who had signed with Hungry Man to pursue a full-time directing career. Two years later, while still at Hungry Man, David was at the DGA Awards ceremony in Los Angeles as a nominee for Best Commercial Director of 2006. David is now with Supply & Demand.
SHOOT’s 2nd Annual New Directors Showcase in 2004 included Elliott Lester who has gone on to an accomplished career, including helming HBO’s telefilm “Nightingale,” a one-character drama starring David Oyelowo as Peter Snowden, an emotionally damaged war veteran whose life unravels before us. “Nightingale” is an HBO Films presentation in association with Brad Pitts’ Plan B Entertainment.
The 2004 2nd Annual Showcase also included Ted Melfi on the strength of “Pizza Guys,” a MTV spec spot he directed. Melfi has since gone on to establish himself in commercials and most recently as a feature filmmaker, making his theatrical movie debut at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival with the tug-at-the-heartstrings comedy “St. Vincent.” His second film, the acclaimed 2016 “Hidden Figures,” has him squarely in this award season’s Oscar conversation. Melfi is a founding partner of production house brother, which he teamed with executive producer Rich Carter to launch in 2014.
Your Work on SHOOT’s website in a special NDS micro site
See the directors’ work that was chosen for last years NDS Showcase event on SHOOT’s 2023 New Directors Web Reel.
Get your own web page for minimum of 3 years on SHOOT’s website at nds.SHOOTonline.com
On the 2023 New Directors Web Reel Directors Page, each director reveals how he, she or they got into the business, as well as career aspirations for the future. Included are credits for the work that made the final cut for the SHOOT NDS Reel.
It could be a big step towards being noticed by the companies that can represent you and the studios, networks, and agency creatives and producers that can hire you. Here’s some of the companies who’s owners, CEOs, vice presidents, broadcast & content managers, network executive and agency producers, creative directors, entrepreneurs, directors, editors, VFX artists, music editors, copywriters, actors, and other motion picture industry managers & talent agents who registered & attended the SHOOT New Directors Showcase Event in the past.
A:D Talent Management
ABC AICE AICP Adolescent Already Alive American Express Analogue Muse Anarchy International Animaticmedia ANU Entertainment Arnold NYC ARRI
Assembly/MacGuffin Films BANG NY BBDO BCJ Films Big Block Bird Bonnette & Stauderman Blake + Company Bloomberg LP Blue Barn Pictures, Inc. BLUWI Breaker Films Calvin Klein CAPS Payroll Carolyn Reps CBS Cena Entertainment Chelsea Pictures Click 3X Combe Company 3 Cooley LLP Corbis Entertainment Coversynch Crew Cuts Darling Agency DDB Dekabes Films Della Femina Deluxe Entertainment Deutsch Digitas Health DIGO Directors Guild of America Don’t Panic Productions Double Wide Media Droga5 ECB FILMS Erica Palgon Casting Erin Li Films Eye Candy Edit Ezell Media Fancy Content FCB |
FilmLight |
Paramount Perez Bros PLAN B Pollock Spark Pop Fim Inc. POP Sound Producers Guild of America Publicis Healthcare Publicis Kaplan Thaler Pure Growth Quietman QVC Radioaktive Film Ruth A. Gutman Productions Saatchi & Saatchi SAG-AFTRA Saint James Studios Sicmanta Silberman Productions Silver Spoon Sky Over Productions LLC Skyframe Pictures Smoke & Mirrors Solano Media SONY Southwest Productions Spitfire Films Spontaneous Spontaneous/Scarlett Spy Films Suffolk County Film Commission Sunflower Entertainment Co SuperPowers NYC Syncro Services, Inc. Synthetic Pictures TBWA The Colony The Drafting Board The Emmer Group The Field The Firchow Company The IHA Inc. The In-House Agency Inc. The Madison Square Garden Co. The Mill The Shed The STUDIO The TEAM Companies The Weinstein Company Translation United Nations Unleaded Music Warner Brothers Weber Shandwick Y&R Ziascope |
NDS Info Links
Eligibility requirements
YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO ENTER IF: You have been directing any type of advertising or entertainment professionally LESS than 3 years (nothing prior to April 2021). The work you submit on the entry form MUST have been completed during the sixteen (16) month period of April 2023-July 2024.
Please do NOT enter if you do not fit the criteria!! It’s inevitably discovered if a director has been directing longer than the entry criteria and if work is older than the entry criteria. Disregarding the entry rules is embarrassing for the director and not fair to those who qualify. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in providing this great opportunity to those who fit the entry criteria. Thank you!