Ed McCulloch

Wounded Warrior Homes’ “Backup” (PSA)

Ed McCulloch

1) How did you get into directing?
I started my career as a photographer shooting national print campaigns. Later I transitioned into directing.

3) What is the best part of being a director?
I love the collaboration, the problem solving and of course the storytelling.

4) What is the worst part of being a director?
Not being able to control the weather on shooting days!

5) What is your current career focus: commercials & branded content, TV, movies? Do you plan to specialize in a particular genre—comedy, drama, visual effects, etc.?
I’m interested in emotional stories that inspire, that are heartfelt and honest.

6) Have you a mentor and if so, who is that person (or persons) and what has been the lesson learned from that mentoring which resonates with you?
My wife. She believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. I am who I am today because of her.

9) Tell us about your background (i.e. where did you grow up? Past jobs?)
I grew up in the heart of Southern California. Between high school and graduating college I worked 22 different jobs. I studied art direction at the Miami Ad School then pursued photography shortly after. That road eventually led me to directing.


Robert Wherry
Executive Producer / Founder

Michael Haldane
Executive Producer / Founder