Become a Sponsor of the 2024 22nd Annual SHOOT New Directors Showcase Event!

the DGA Theater in NYC on Thursday October 24

Whether you'll be a first-time Sponsor or have joined us in the past...
we look forward to welcoming you this year!

The SHOOT NDS Event is an important face-to-face extension of SHOOT’s ongoing mission to provide vital news & information about the creation of all motion picture content – commercial, branded content, movie & television and to search out new talent, new work & new technology across the advertising & entertainment industries. A place to come together to create new work, new business, new opportunities & new partnerships. While SHOOT focuses on this across  its digital & print platforms all year, it’s a pleasure to facilitate the same dynamics in person for attendees including directors, film/TV/cable/OTT production execs, agency heads of production, producers, brand marketers, production/post co. owners, MDs & EPs, cinematographers, editors, VFX & Music execs.

Because our sponsors make this event possible, we provide an enormous amount of industry exposure & promotion value for them starting two months before, during and for a full year after the event.  Join us! 

Why Become a SPONSOR?

Say YES to…


Exposing your company to a broad range of potential entertainment & commercial production clients.

Enhance Position

Enhancing your company profile and position as an industry leader.


Receiving marketing & promotion before, during and after the event.


Showing support for up-and-coming talent and for the future growth of the industry at large.

One of a Kind

Gaining goodwill attention by helping us make this unique networking and perspective-sharing event possible.

Sponsors receive high-profile marketing &
promotion before, during and after the event

SHOOT New Directors Showcase Event Publicity Releases on The SHOOT Publicity Wire for two months before the event with links to them appearing in the Brand New[s], SHOOT>e.dition and SHOOT Dailies email newsletters (live link to Sponsors' websites embed in Sponsor names in releases)
SHOOT event preview articles that will run on SHOOTonline with links to them appearing in the SHOOT Dailies & SHOOT>e.dition email newsletters. (live link to Sponsors' websites embed in Sponsor names in articles)
Multiple Email Blast Invitations to SHOOT database of 40,000 emails go to commercial & entertainment production & post decision-makers: execs & artisans at Agencies, Brands, TV/Cable/Online Networks, Movie Studios, Cos & independent Filmmakers. (live link to Sponsors' websites embed in sponsor logos)
Event Ad on weekly SHOOT>e.dition email newsletters during the two months leading up to the event.
Event Landing/Registration Page on SHOOTonline (live link to Sponsors' websites embed in Sponsor logos)
NDS Showcase Ad in the the Fall SHOOT Print Issue & PDF version that will coincide with the event. (live link to Sponsors' websites embed in Sponsor logos in PDF versions)
SHOOT event articles published after the event. (live link to Sponsors' websites embed in Sponsor names in articles)
PDF Directory of contact info of all event registrants/attendees that is made available to all attendees after the event. Sponsor Logos and URLs are prominently displayed.
Event Program handed to every attendee at check-in for the afternoon & evening agendas. (sponsor URLs will also appear in the programs)
SHOOT will run NDS Event Banner Ads on, The SHOOT>e.dition & SHOOT Dailies email newsletters for two months before the event that will link to the landing/registration page. (Registraton Page Sponsor logos will have links to Sponsors’ websites)
Welcome Poster in lobby of DGA Theater.
Giant Opening credits with Sponsor Logos will appear on screen at the DGA Theater prior to & during both the Forum & NDS Agenda opening remarks.
New Directors Showcase Website that will go live after the event for industry to view the New Directors Showcase reel and read about the directors. Sponsor logos/company info appears with links to Sponsors’ websites. This site will stay live for a full year.
FILL OUT FORM To RecEIve more info ON

NDS Event Lead, Silver & Bronze Sponsorships
and "We Support New Directors" Packages