Jacob Lincoln

No Distractions

Jacob Lincoln

How did you get into directing?
I began my career as a commercial and documentary editor and then naturally moved on to producing commercials and music videos. I developed great relationships with the labels and agencies I was producing for and that established trust led to directing opportunities. I come from the DIY, new school of production, and directing was just the natural next step for me.

What is your most recent project?
I just got back from Cadiz, Spain, where I was shooting a digital Captain Morgan campaign for Anomaly. I spent some time on a pirate ship in a beautiful part of the world, working with some of the best talent in the industry.

What is the best part of being a director?
After years of editing, I love being on set and having the opportunity to see my creative vision come to fruition. I also appreciate being able work with such amazing talent, from great DPs to the highly skilled editors I’m working with now.

