Masashi Kawamura


Masashi Kawamura

How did you get into directing?
I started as a programmer, and eventually shifted from coding to design, and then into motion graphics and film. This was a natural evolution for me. I think this background allowed me to start combining interactive elements with my film work.

What is your most recent project?
The most recent project is Sour’s “Mirror.” This is an interactive music video for the Japanese band Sour. The song “Utsushi Kagami” (“Mirror”) sings about the fact that everything and everyone around you is a mirror that reflects who you are. This lyric gave us an idea of a journey to find yourself through your connections with the friends and people online. By connecting to Facebook, Twitter & webcam, the video will be customized every time based on the viewer’s personal data and social networking status.

What is the best part of being a director?
Creating a visual world around an idea is always fascinating. It’s a very special feeling when I can make my own idea come to life with my own eyes and hands.

Have you a mentor and if so, who is that person (or persons)
and what has been the lesson learned from that mentoring which resonates most with you?

My mentor’s name is Masahiko Sato. He didn’t teach me design or film techniques, but he taught me the importance to “think of a new way to think.” Doubting the conventional ways to film, and exploring new and different creative methods/approaches to whatever the medium I’m dealing with. This is a very important part of all my creative work.
