Mario Zozin

Emil Orange

Mario Zozin

How did you get into directing?
I began my journey into film as a writer and hands-on all-rounder working for three major TV production companies in Cologne/Germany. Over this period, I mastered numerous skills as I immersed myself in every facet of the industry from production, camerawork to editing. But it was my writing that carried me to the next stage, where I took on the daunting task of developing new programs for television, some of which I directed himself.  In pursuit of becoming a great director, I enrolled in Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in 2006 and graduated this month (April 2011).

What is your most recent project?
Emil Orange is a short film I wrote and directed. This 10-minute-long fairy tale tells the story of a boy who is madly in love with the color orange. But it’s this love, however, that becomes his doom when Emil and his wrestling-fanatic-brother Bruce try their luck at a tombola…
Abandoned Balls: Last summer I made a roadtrip from Los Angeles to New York within six weeks. Anticipating that I would get to see many inspiring cities and amazing landscapes, I armed myself with his old Super-8 camera and went hunting for a film…and I found one.

What is the best part of being a director?
(As the world’s worst illustrator…) Directing lets me bring the images in my head to reality, being able to work with my one big love—moving images.
